Chance Williams president of review alliance


Executive Vice President

Chance holds the ICB CRCM certification; as well as ICBA certifications in Audit (CCBIA), BSA (CBAP), Compliance (CCBCO), and IT (CCBTO). Chance has a wealth of expertise in compliance, which he developed while working as a BSA and Compliance Officer in banks of all sizes during his career. He contributed as a member of Business Development Teams, Loan Committees, Audit Committees, Product Steering Committees, IT Committees, investment committees, and as a direct liaison with the regulatory agencies. Chance also has 17 years of experience as a compliance officer/auditor and 8 years as a senior compliance/audit consultant.

As a Compliance Officer and Auditor, Chance has spent his career working with banks under enforcement action to strengthen bank compliance management systems. Throughout the years, he has spoken at a number of conventions, meetings and schools. His articles can be found in state banking association magazines, C/A’s weekly newsletters and several other publications.